

User Experience Design Portfolio of Dominic Kennedy



resumé / CV


















I am currently employed as a usability engineer for a client of ALTEN SW GmbH. After having introduced basics of usability testing and user centred design, I am now very passionate about building a design system to serve the product teams deliver better quality, faster.

I’m in this field for the variety of disciplines it covers. I have worked as an interaction designer, interviewer, cameraman, video editor and visual artist. I like to listen to people and I’m very interested in the psychology of perception and human behaviour, both of which provide insights we can leverage in design. I am also the inventor of the Resting Hand Gesture, which Adobe took up in their Eazel application. Apart analysing problems, I like to come up with solutions, too.

I used to be super engaged in interaction design. Being frustrated by most of the applications I encountered, I set out to learn how to fix them. I studied and applied the methods and heuristics of good humane interaction design: From the intricate details of proper form fields, measuring the efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction of interfaces, applying colour and gestalt theory, incorporating behavioural psychology and human factors engineering to conducting usability tests. While I'm still very much interested in interaction design, my focus is now is user research.

I carry out research and design drawing on the full spectrum of UX methods and adopting ISO 9241 standards as need be. A central stance for me is to act as a user advocate while adhering to business objectives. I work well in multi-disciplinary teams that find insights into user behaviour and inform design decisions. 


The HCD process must always be tailored to the needs and context of each project. I don’t consider coding to be part of the UX design process, but do consider technical literacy as a factor to be rather important. I don’t usually code, but do consider myself technically literate.





research: lean research, observational field studies and semi-structured interviews, surveys, shadowing, day-in-the-life, context analysis, user requirements engineering, card-sorting, tree-testing

conception: design thinking, sprints, product vision, personas, wireframes, user journey maps

interface: sketching, wireframes, design patterns

prototyping: love it. do it. #AxureRP #Sketch #learning Figma

usability testing: formative and summative

graphic design: typography, colour theory, contrast, imagery, illustration, iconography


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